**************************************************************************** * INFOS FOR THE ATARI MACHINES * * Realized by RUIZ Patrick * **************************************************************************** (!) 21-11-96 Version Deus Ex Machina Software The .TXT files are about the ATARI machines (for ST, STe, MSTe) but can also be used for updated machines (Falcon, TT, ...) The FUN_FIP program runs on all ST, STE, MegaSTE, TT, FALCON ... It permits to read the images of graphics. Most of the graphics are 640x800 and you'll have to use the Arrow keys to watch them entirely. Just Snapshot them or print'em directly... List of other programs made by myself ... ESSAY : A short but complete text editor with lot of functions & Helps DIAMONDS : A quick cell-generation Program entirely made in assembly code for 68000 & 68030(optimized) ... a DSP version coming soon! LIFE : A game of LIFE also in assembly code in low or High rez. VIBRAX : The best MODs Player Accessory on Falcon (Better than U-Tracker) uses DSP (routine from the BITMasters). This is my complete Address: Mr RUIZ Patrick quartier le clos 13360 ROQUEVAIRE FRANCE email address kirstin@vulcain.u-3mrs.fr